Committing Economic Suicide

"When an individual Black person takes their own life - kills oneself it is suicide. When Blacks spend all of their money with non-Black businesses - we kill ourselves financially, we commit 'economic suicide'.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A New Emphasis On Building Black Economic Power

In the Post-Civil Rights era a period of '55 years' Blacks believed that electing Barak Obama as president and other Black politicians along with a good education and a decent paying job would level the racial economic playing field but it did not occur. 

Indeed the average white family today has 13 times the wealth as an average Black family. As Black folks there must be a new emphasis on economic empowerment.

The emphasis on building Black economic power has been put forth by Us Lifting Us Economic Development Cooperative whose developed a comprehensive 10-point plan. Us Lifting Us believes that the security and welfare of Black people depends on controlling our economics and practicing group economics. 

The 10-points reflect the desire to be free from chattel slavery, and an impulse that led Black people to form mutual aid societies and engage in group ownership once we were emancipated from slavery.

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