Committing Economic Suicide

"When an individual Black person takes their own life - kills oneself it is suicide. When Blacks spend all of their money with non-Black businesses - we kill ourselves financially, we commit 'economic suicide'.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Powernomics: Black Power Comes Through Economics

PowerNomics™ is the guiding philosophy by which Black communities will achieve greater economic self sufficiency. Black owned businesses are key to the success of this movement.

Developed by Washington's Harvest Institute, a national Black think tank organized by Dr. Claud Anderson, author of Black Labor, White Wealth, PowerNomics™ offers Blacks new ways of seeing, thinking and behaving in racial matters.

The PowerNomics™ self-empowerment plan presents new strategies for Black America's psychological, economic, and political development. PowerNomics is based on 12 Economic Action Steps:

*Economic Action Step #1: Create an alternative economy within Black communities.

*Economic Action Step #2: Dominate business ownership and management where Black people are the majority.

*Economic Action Step #3: Focus on 'Wealth Building' and restoring the economic intent of the original Civil Rights laws.

*Economic Action Step #4: Counter the 'Brain Drain' with businesses that agressively attract Black talent from schools, the government, and corporate America.

*Economic Action Step #5: Establish solid 'Root' businesses within Black communities.

*Economic Action Step #6: Construct vertical businesses and industries that control all processes from raw resources in markets within and outside of Black communities.

*Economic Action Step #7: Stop the 'Money Drain' out of Black communties. In other words 'Buy Black' but sell to anyone.

*Economic Action Step #8: Attract semi-finished products into Black communities for value-added manufacturing, processing, and assembling.

*Economic Action Step #9: Promote the competitive advantages of Black communities.

*Economic Action Step #10: Establish 'Safe Business Zones' based upon a code of conduct in Black business communities.

*Economic Action Step #11: Amass 'Vision' capital and wealth through community-based financial efforts.

*Economic Action Step #12: Establish international economic alliances and marketing agreements between Black America, Black Africa and Caribbean nations.

While the initial emphasis of the PowerNomics™ plan is to alter certain unacceptable behaviors among blacks, the plan also calls for a broad range of economic strategies to improve conditions within black communities, including the establishment of PowerNomics™ Vision Capital Clubs and, PowerNomics™ Covenant Businesses.

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